News, plans and details of the "Thank You" offer from the top officials of the project "Duyunov's motors"

News, plans and details of the "Thank You" offer from the top officials of the project "Duyunov's motors"

Interested in learning all the up-to-date information about the project's development? Watch the SOLARGROUP reporting webinar on August 4.

The broadcast starts at 17:00 Moscow time.
You can access it here.

All of the project's top officials participate in the live broadcast:
• creator of the "Slavyanka" technology Dmitriy Duyunov,
• General Director of SOLARGROUP Sergey Semyonov,
• Head of Advertising and Public Relations at SOLARGROUP Pavel Filippov,
• Commercial Director of SOLARGROUP Pavel Shadskiy,
• Deputy General Director for PR at "Sovelmash" Alexander Sudarev,
• head of ASPP Weihai Victor Arestov,
• head of the "Resurs" production cooperative Andrey Lobov,
• national partners of SOLARGROUP.

From them you will learn about the progress of the "Sovelmash" D&E construction and the tasks to be completed, for which funding is now being fast-tracked. You will also see a report on SOLARGROUP's performance and plans: funding figures, worldwide performance, implementation of the internal stock exchange and transformation into a joint-stock company.

Furthermore, we will tell you how the cooperation between "Sovelmash" and Chinese enterprises is progressing and provide news about developing the technology in other countries.

You will also learn the details of the "Thank You" offer that is beneficial for all investors in the project.

The broadcast will be available in 13 languages: Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hindi, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Hungarian and Croatian.

Join yourself and invite other participants in the project!