International Conference in Moscow: 5 reasons to participate in the event

International Conference in Moscow: 5 reasons to participate in the event

Attending the SOLARGROUP conference on September 16 or still hesitant? We are introducing the top 5 highlights of the event to help you in your decision making.

1. News from the top officials of the project

SOLARGROUP's executives Sergey Semyonov, Pavel Filippov and Pavel Shadskiy, as well as Deputy General Director for PR at "Sovelmash" Alexander Sudarev will address the audience. They will provide you with the most up-to-date information on the progress of the project funding and implementation, as well as the companies' plans for the future.

Victor Arestov, CEO of ASPP Weihai, and Andrey Lobov, Head of the "Resurs" production cooperative, will report on the news of developing the "Slavyanka" technology worldwide.

Representatives of foreign companies interested in applying the "Slavyanka" technology at their production facilities will deliver their presentations in Moscow.

2. "Slavyanka" based vehicles

Boats, tricycles, motorbikes and other vehicles with combined winding technology motors will be demonstrated by the manufacturers. You will be able to see the vehicles firsthand and take pictures of them.

3. Patents, test reports and other documents

The conference will feature the documents of "Sovelmash" and SOLARGROUP. These include the patents, test reports and legal documents as well as explanations in different languages to make it easier for you to read them.

4. Exhibition of the developments by "Sovelmash"

You will see the main crown jewel of "Sovelmash", which is its innovative developments: combined winding electric motors and various products featuring them.

5. Networking with investors from all over the world

Where else can you communicate live with investors and partners of the project from more than 18 countries? The International Conference will be attended by guests from all over the world: national and leading partners, active investors and business representatives. They are the most dedicated participants in our project. And what could be more valuable than communicating with people who share your values!

So, we will collect all the most interesting things for the investors in the project "Duyunov's motors" in one place and at one time. Join in! Participation is free, it is important to register now while there are still spots available.