Project guide: Where can I find out about all the special offers for investors?

Project guide: Where can I find out about all the special offers for investors?

Do you know that there are always ways in the project "Duyunov's motors" to make investing more profitable?

For example, currently there are 10 special offers or options for investors in the project.

You can find out about all of them in the back office, "Promo Offers" - "For Investors" section, or by following the link.

Most offers will allow you to get bonus investment shares in addition to the ones you buy.

The conditions of different options add up, so you can considerably increase the number of your shares.

There are offers that grant bonuses in money and shares to those who invite new investors to the project.

Explore and use them! By doing so, you will not only increase your investment portfolio, but will also contribute to completing the "Sovelmash" D&E construction as scheduled, in the 3rd quarter of this year. The sooner the enterprise starts operating, the sooner you'll get a return on the funds invested in it.

We have recently reported on the progress of the D&E construction.