This is an understandable business for me | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Prince Basil Chidi Umeh

This is an understandable business for me | Story of SOLARGROUP partner Prince Basil Chidi Umeh

I am Prince Basil Chidi Umeh from Onitsha, Anambra State, which is the eastern part of Nigeria. I have been in business for about 40 years and have a high level of education. I was involved in the distribution of products for many companies in Nigeria. I am one of the top investors in SOLARGROUP and have purchased two large investment packages. I am also a participant in the partner program and a finalist of the promotion, currently I have the "Expert" status.

I learned about the project "Duyunov's motors" in 2021 from Bartholomew Nwoye Okafor, my inviter. Bartholomew is one of the winners of last year's promotion. I was instantly interested. And when I saw the motors and got introduced to SOLARGROUP, I realized that even without a certificate and franchising, this is exactly what my country needed and it would be in demand. The company will rise high!

Based on what I've seen, I think the product will sell particularly well in eastern Nigeria. After my team and I found out that some products were already being sold in China, we planned a trip to that country. I think we will be able to make a choice there and learn more about the prospects of these products for Nigeria. Perhaps in the future we will even set up a factory for this.

I bought my first investment shares in installments just two weeks after being introduced to the project. And three months later I wanted to get a franchise and distribute these products.

The SOLARGROUP partner program is an additional bonus that you can use to pay for the purchased package. I plan to increase my structure, among other things, so that my team can help people become familiar with the products and see the "Slavyanka" technology in action.

Adding partners was not that easy. In Nigeria, businesses are willing to pay for what they see as physically accessible. It wasn't easy to sell them something they couldn't see yet. Many of them had been involved in other projects and bought shares, the value of which came to naught, that is, they had negative experiences. But I managed to get the process started, being able to register many partners in the project. There are two things that help me expand the structure:

• Trust and clout. People make the decision to register because they see that I have registered myself, and they know that I wouldn't do it in a project that doesn't work. They sign the partnership agreement when they find out that I also participate in the partner program. People follow me.

• Prospects and benefits - from the sales of products in the future and from partnership activities now.

In addition, SOLARGROUP has very efficient marketing. I especially like the digests that show the dynamics of the project and everything happening on the construction site. This transparency of the company, its openness is a key factor that motivates people to opt for participation.

We work like a family with the team, in my opinion. Our national leader Ishaku Marley helps a lot, we communicate daily. Bartholomew says that I am like a father to him, he helped me register in the project himself, we are partners. When an offer was made to go to Russia for a conference, Ishaku also provided us with all the information we needed. We also plan to go to China as a team. We are happy to work together!

There are also challenges along the way. For instance:

• Account verification in the back office. This is the main difficulty at the moment, a real challenge for us. In Nigeria, many people don't have addresses like in Europe; we have many villages without addresses. And often the name and address are not all in one document. In this case, you need to provide a bank statement to the company. And people in our country, when asked for such information, have the impression that it's scammers who want to get their money. A bank statement is a sensitive document for them. We're working on it a lot right now, together with Sergey Shevchenko.

• Product demonstration. People want to see at least two products by SOLARGROUP. Especially those people who purchase $ 10,000, $ 20,000 investment packages or bigger ones.

My team and I devote a lot of time to the project. And we are willing to devote as much as 15 hours a day! Our priority is profits. We are willing to take the time to do what makes a profit.

I have 5 principles in business:

1. Be honest.
2. Be hardworking.
3. Be engaged and consistent.
4. Believe in God's help.
5. Have good communication and relations with other people.

We have already recruited people in all the states of Nigeria who will distribute the products. It's an understandable business to me. As far as the partner business is concerned, of course I will strive for the highest "President" status, that is one of my goals.

Attending the conference has bolstered our team's motivation! We saw the construction site, other investors. We met some really hardworking people.

When we came back and shared our impressions, it helped many people to pay off their installments with more confidence and strive to raise their partner status. It would be great to bring some products from China for the future conference in Abuja for people to see them. Then it will be easier for them to make a decision.

I would like to say that good impressions of the trip to Russia started back at the Russian embassy. The attitude towards people here is much better than, for example, at the American embassy. In Russia, everyone smiles at you and is ready to help. What we are told in the media does not match what we see in reality. We felt happy during the whole trip!

I am grateful for the opportunity and the privilege of participating in the project and answering questions about it.