Accomplishments of June

Accomplishments of June

We continue to improve the back office for you! What has been done in June?

• The opportunity to send a request for getting the company's shares has been made available for all citizens of the Russian Federation.
• Customer registration screens have been improved.
• Cancelled packages filter has been added in the "Team" section.
• The "Wallet" top-up screens have been improved.
• The appearance of homepage banners has been redesigned and new banners have been added.
• Collecting ideas and suggestions from our users has been launched in the "Support" section.
• The opportunity to copy links has been added in the "Materials" section.
• The progress display for partners with the "President" status has been improved.
• New emails with promo codes for SOLARGROUP event attendees have been launched.

And there is more! We'll be sharing some even better news with you very soon.

Stay tuned!