Andrey Lobov had a meeting with an airship developer from China

Andrey Lobov had a meeting with an airship developer from China

A remarkable event occurred during Andrey Lobov's visit to China for a business meeting with Viktor Arestov.

In Xi'an, Andrey met Mr. Dang Hua Ning, CEO of XI'AN GEOTIME AIRSHIP MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Ever since Dang Hua Ning saw airships for the first time in 2003, they have been his dream. He then used his own money to build a facility where he modeled an airship entirely from scratch. This development complies with the European standards and is already at the certification stage. A plant will soon be built in Xi'an to produce 85-meter airships.

"The Airship That Never Falls" is the slogan of the Chinese company.

Will the New Generation Airships project cooperate with China?

Find out more in the video on YouTube.

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