Patenting the technology: use for the project

Patenting the technology: use for the project

You often wonder what "Sovelmash" does for the success of the project, in addition to building the engineering center and developing the technology. Today we will talk about the patent work: why it is important and what results have been achieved.

The first patents for inventions and usable models in the field of the "Slavyanka" technology had been obtained long before the start of the project, starting from 2011. Their holder, the technology and innovation company "ASiPP", is the co-founder of "Sovelmash". Therefore, "Sovelmash" can use the existing patents for commercial purposes. 

The project team now has more than 20 items of intellectual property. The most recent, the patent for the invention named "Combined winding for an energy-efficient electric machine," was registered in March 2022. Since research and development continues, so does patent work.

Why is patenting important for the company?

- It protects the right to commercial use of inventions. If the evidence of illegal technology use is revealed, the right holder can go to court and bring the offender to justice.
- It generates profits from commercialization of the invention by other companies. A typical example is the use of the technology under licenses. For example, ASPP Weihai manufactures induction combined winding motors in China under license from "ASiPP".
- It accumulates intangible assets of the right holder, which significantly increases the value of the company. 
- It reduces the tax burden under the Russian Federation law.
- It consolidates the company's reputation as an innovative enterprise, which attracts customers, business partners and investors to cooperate.

How is intellectual property protected in Russia?

• The Patent Office conducts an examination of the invention and evaluates its novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability. 
• Novelty means that at the time of registering the application, information about the invention was not publicly available. 
• An inventive step implies that the invention solves a problem in a way not previously known and differs significantly from previous solutions.
• Industrial applicability is important for those companies that plan to commercialize the invention. It proves that the technology can be used in industry, agriculture, health care and other fields.

In Russia, the patents are registered and issued by the Federal Institute of Industrial Property. There is also international patenting.

Depending on a company's activity, its priority markets, etc., rightholders protect intellectual property either in a single country or in a number of countries of interest to them. The rules and costs of patenting depend on it. 

The "Sovelmash" and "ASiPP" patents are registered in Russia. Today it is expedient and sufficient, but there is also the option of international protection of intellectual property.

You can find some of the patents in the field of the "Slavyanka" technology on the "Sovelmash" website by following the link.