National representative offices of SOLARGROUP: illustrative statistics

National representative offices of SOLARGROUP: illustrative statistics

2 years ago, in June 2019, SOLARGROUP opened its first national representative office in the world. Since that time, the project "Duyunov's motors" has begun to rapidly increase its international scale. Now more than 312,000 people from different countries participate in it, three quarters of them live outside of Russia. Let's sum up the results of the two-year implementation of the strategy involving national representative offices and see how important it has turned out to be for the project.

The first national representative office of SOLARGROUP was opened in France, and Gilles Weber became the first national representative of the company. In terms of attention to environmental problems, France is one of the leading countries in the world. Thus, according to the new environmental development strategy, it plans to abandon diesel and gasoline car engines by 2040, allowing only hybrid or electric ones.

In September 2019, a national representative office was opened in Germany (supervised by Johann Butschbach). One of the most industrially and scientifically developed countries in recent years has been among the world leaders in combating carbon emissions. The German government has set a goal to use fewer resources, while maintaining the same level of the population's well-being. Therefore, technologies that increase energy efficiency are in demand there, including the combined winding technology "Slavyanka". The share of the project investors from Germany is 2.8 %.

The national representative offices of SOLARGROUP operate in three more European countries: Bulgaria (supervised by the company's representative Dimitar Dimitrov), Hungary, Croatia. In total, more than 2,000 project investors live in the five European countries where the national representative offices have been opened, their total share of investments in the project is 7.3 %.

After opening a representative office in France, SOLARGROUP began to actively develop the project in French-speaking countries of Africa. Over the 2 years, the national representative offices were opened in Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Benin, Togo, Cameroon and Burkina Faso. In all these countries, the company is represented by Gilles Weber. He and the leading partners hold regular "live" meetings dedicated to the project, which are especially valuable where people have limited access to the Internet. The partners perform a huge amount of work, telling people about the advantages of the technology and earning opportunities. It is thanks to this activity that the number of the project investors from Africa has grown 12 times in 2 years. Most Africans appreciate the project for the opportunity of additional earnings under the partner program, as well as for the availability of investing in the promising innovative enterprise.

Gradually, the English-speaking countries of Africa are also joining the project. So, in 2021, the national representative office of SOLARGROUP was opened in Nigeria, supervised by Ishaku Marley. The number of investors from this country has grown from 2 to more than 200 people in 2 years. Nigeria is one of the most populous countries in the world, suffering, like most of Africa, from serious environmental issues. With large-scale application, motors based on the "Slavyanka" technology can solve many of these problems, including cutting the consumption of natural resources, reducing the volume of landfills for household electrical appliances.

The leading countries in terms of the number of investors and the volume of investments in the project are located in Asia.

At the end of 2019, a national representative office was opened in India. Over the past 2 years, the number of the project participants from this country has increased more than 10 times, and the number of investors has increased 17 times. According to the latter indicator, India currently ranks first in the project, the Indians have invested 13.5% of the total volume of investments in the project. This is due to the active work on popularization of the project by the national representative Gulshan Kumar Birdi, as well as other leading Indian partners of SOLARGROUP.

Following India, Vietnam (with the national representative Trinh Van Long) officially joined the project. Since then, the number of participants and the volume of investments in this country have increased 11 times. The residents of Vietnam invested 14.3% in the project, the second highest in the world after Russia. Many Vietnamese have chosen the project "Duyunov's motors" because they appreciate the uniqueness of the technology and the pace of the "Sovelmash" development.

Indonesia is another country whose residents are actively investing in the project. The share of their investments from the total volume is 6.4 %. The national representative of SOLARGROUP in Indonesia is Laura Guinta.

The residents of Southeast Asia see the project not only as earning opportunities, but also as a solution to the most acute environmental problem in the region: air pollution in megacities caused by exhaust gases. The Indian authorities, for example, have already set a course for the mass distribution of electric vehicles. Motors with the "Slavyanka" technology can significantly improve the environmental situation and give residents of large cities the opportunity to breathe freely.

Let's sum up the general results of the two-year development strategy of SOLARGROUP's national representative offices:
in total, the representative offices have been opened in 15 countries;
more than half of the project's investors live in these countries, and their number has increased more than 7 times in 2 years;
in total, residents of countries with national representative offices have invested about 47 % of the total investments in the project.

The statistics confirm the success of SOLARGROUP's strategy, so the company will continue to follow it: in the near future, new national representative offices will be opened in Nepal, Peru and Russia.