"We can do it all ourselves, we are capable of it!" | How the prize was awarded to the lottery winner

"We can do it all ourselves, we are capable of it!" | How the prize was awarded to the lottery winner

Dear friends, you must all remember Yuriy Tizenberg, the winner of the SOLARGROUP 2023 lottery we ran in April.

Yuriy is the lucky winner of the world's one of a kind Bajaj Pulsar electric bike with a "Slavyanka" based motor and 200,000 investment shares. There's a reason they call it beginner's luck. Yuriy just started participating in the project "Duyunov's motors", following the advice of his wife Anna. And all at once, it turned out to be so lucky! Yuriy and Anna decided to participate in the April lottery by SOLARGROUP believing that nobody ever wins in lotteries.

But in ours you do! Our lottery in April was prizes-for-all.

"I would like to wish all Russian developers, startups and everyone interested a lot of luck," says Anna. - Everyone who endeavours to make life better through what we can do ourselves. We can do it all ourselves, we're capable of it!"

Now Yuriy and Anna Tizenberg are investors and partners in the project. Yuriy encourages everyone to invest now: "You can invest without hesitation, it's a very good project. You see, no cheating at all."

Pavel Filippov awarded the winners with the grand prize, and they had a chance to ride it. Alexander Sudarev conducted a tour of the "Sovelmash" construction site especially for Yuriy and Anna.

Our winner is going to ride the unique electric bike on public roads. So pretty soon you will be able to meet a Bajaj Pulsar bike with a "Slavyanka" based motor anywhere in Saint Petersburg!

Find out what the prize giving and the visit to the construction site was like in our video.