Key events of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Key events of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

• Installation of lighting systems in the central aisle of the production area was completed. The lighting is fluorescent and complies with all health and safety requirements.
• In the shop, the installation of the busbar line and the supply of electricity to the shop equipment started. This system allows to reduce the cost of installing the power supply system and to connect the machinery where it is convenient, to quickly change the arrangement of equipment in the workshop.
• The water treatment plant was being installed.
• "Sovelmash" received confirmation saying that the documents for heat supply connection to conduct start-up and commissioning work had been submitted in full. It remains to wait for the expert review to supply heat to the building.
• Work was actively carried out on the internal finishing of the office and amenity complex and installation of internal engineering networks was underway.

Roadmap updates

We have updated the roadmap of the project "Duyunov's motors". We have added a days-to-completion counter, progress on key tasks for the current funding stage 18 and updated the interface.

The roadmap is available here.

Upsizing repaid packages

We have launched a special offer for investors who have fully repaid investment packages. Up to and including December 29, upsize your repaid package and continue to buy shares at the biggest discount available to you.

You can upsize the package in the back office by following the link: "Investments" - "My Investments" or by following the link.

Interim results and new condition of the SOLARGROUP lottery

The project "Duyunov's motors" continues the prizes-for-all lottery by SOLARGROUP, which is necessary to accelerate the project funding. We have introduced a limit on prizes: one investor can win no more than 50,000,000 shares per round. The changes apply to all rounds, including those that were completed.

Detailed terms and conditions of the lottery can be found here.

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