Week results in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Week results in the project "Duyunov's motors"

How are things going in the company "SovElMash"? And what were the project's investors from different countries happy about? Let's sum up the results of the last seven days.

The team of "SovElMash" continues the routine, but very important work on implementing the project. The scheduled motor tests are underway at the laboratory's facilities in Zelenograd. The patent applications under the PCT System are being prepared. This is an international patent system recognized in most countries of the world.

Both the "SovElMash" team and investors are currently waiting for the results of the state expert review of the engineering center project. Let us remind you that the application for the state expert review was submitted on December 31, 2019. However, due to the circumstances beyond the control of "SovElMash", the project was returned for revision. The required changes were promptly made by the company's employees, and on January 31, 2020, the project was sent back for reviewing. According to the law, the state expert review is carried out within 45 working days.
After passing the expert commission examination and approving the budget, "SovElMash" will be given not only the green light to start the construction, but also a ready-made solution for the implementation of such innovative centers on other sites.

Unforeseen delays are, unfortunately, almost inevitable when implementing such a major project. Therefore, we ask the investors to accept them with understanding. You can make the wait shorter, for example, by taking part in the preparation of a time capsule that will be buried be next to the "SovElMash" innovation center after the main earthmoving operations. It is planned that a small architectural form with the logo and name of the construction object will be installed right above the capsule. Each investor can write a message that will be buried in the time capsule. The details of how to do this can be found here - /news/posts/kapsula-vremeni-zakrepi-svoe-imya-v-istorii-sovelmas-849

Starting from this week, it has become much easier for the project participants from all over the world to invest! It happened due to the fact that we were able to expand the list of countries which the COOLPAY service covers. Now, the residents of any country, including, for example, citizens of Latin American countries, can replenish their back office account with Visa/MasterCard cards!

In the course of the passing week, the project "Duyunov's motors" continued to discover Africa. The second national representative office of the project on the African continent opened the day before, on February 8, in Senegal. We will inform you about all the details of the event in the next few days. And while the new materials are being prepared, we continue sharing with you our impressions of the International conference in Croatia. We remind you that you can find the reviews of the participants and the most vivid footage of the event in the video https://youtu.be/r71y2J8OnJc and the event photo report https://vk.com/album-108587771_270336488 .

Thank you for staying with the project "Duyunov's motors"!