Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

Last week, active work was unfolding in all construction areas, and good news was coming in daily!

• Permanent-circuit electricity connection is virtually complete, and the last comments of the technical supervisor are being addressed.

• Comprehensive installation of the building's cooling system is nearing completion. Thermal insulation of dry cooling tower pipes was carried out. Receivers were installed and capped. A finishing pair of heat exchangers was added at the cooling plant.

• Refrigeration pipework extended to the third floor of the production building. The work carried out there was unprecedented for the D&E in terms of its scale. Up to 150 people were working simultaneously, and the activities did not stop at weekends.

• The final interior finishing operations shifted from the 1st to the 2nd floor of the O&A building.

• The construction of foundations for the noise shield, which is to be installed on the border of the "Sovelmash" site and the gardening cooperative, continued.

• Charging stations for electric vehicles were assembled and connected.

• Trees on the plot border were planted. The tree planting plan is now complete in its full intended design scope!

• Removal of the temporary protective asphalt layer that had been paved for the winter period began in front of the D&E facade.

• Work commenced in the area of the second cold water supply tapping.

"Sovelmash" developments

• Another "modulator" part is now being manufactured using a high-tech production method. Special tooling was made for this purpose. This part used to be lathed and milled from an aluminium blank, at great costs.

• Combined windings were installed on a German traction motor for an electric bus.

• The assembly of motors for the propellers of the "Moth" quadcopter continued. Another piece went into production. Chassis assembly began.

Updates in the back office

• The features to get future company's shares of "Sovelmash" were launched for Club 1000. This category of investors now has the opportunity to send a request for conversion of shares. This phased approach is necessary in order to test complex features and responsibly approach its large-scale launch.

• Back office navigation was updated. The mobile version now shows the main menu sections immediately at the bottom of the screen for quicker access. The desktop version features a compact menu, its items can be maximised and you can go straight to the subsection you need.

Current offers

Let us remind you of the offers that will add to your benefit from investing in the project

.• 10% discount on payments of $ 100 or more for early repayment until May 31 inclusive.

• Friendly promo code for 10% of bonus shares when buying a new package, until the end of stage 19.

Information about all offers in the project is available in the back office.

Use and invest with maximum profit!