Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

Last week, the construction of the design and engineering technology department was in full swing even during the public holidays.

• Final interior finishing was carried out on the 1st floor of the office and amenity building. Finishing continued on the second and third floors of the building, too.
• Ventilation utilities were installed.
• Pipeline installation in the cooling plant area and other activities were in progress.

At the same time, the specialists of "Sovelmash" were engaged in both initiative and made-to-order developments. Fabrication of the water-cooled motor housing was underway. Special equipment for internal keyslot cutting was developed, manufactured and tested. Other developments were also carried out.

The Vietnamese in Russia

17 leading investors and partners of the project from Vietnam visited the "Sovelmash" construction site. Many of them visited the engineering centre under construction for the first time and were delighted with the facility. The guests talked to Dmitriy Duyunov. Alexander Sudarev gave them a tour of the D&E and answered their questions. There were also meetings between the Vietnamese participants and the SOLARGROUP management as well as introduction to the "Slavyanka" based vehicles facilitated by Andrey Lobov.

More details about the visit to the construction site can be found in the video.

Current offers

Let us remind you of the offers that will add to your benefit from investing in the project.10% discount on payments of $ 100 or more for early repayment up to and including May 31.

Information about all the offers in the project is available in the back office.

Use and invest with maximum benefit!