Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

Results of the week in the project "Duyunov's motors"

New funding stage

Last week it was announced that on January 1, the project "Duyunov's motors" goes to funding stage 18 out of the 20 planned stages. We have summed up the preliminary results of stage 17 here.

After going to the new stage, the discount on investment shares will reduce, so it is most profitable to invest in the project at the current stage, until December 31 inclusive.

"Sovelmash" D&E construction

• Work continued on the external engineering networks: trenching for the heating pipeline, forming the well.

• Inside the building, in the storage area and on the second-floor mezzanines, the installation of interior partitions was in progress. The metal frames were being installed with wall panels mounted on them. The walls grew literally right before our eyes. Soon we will show you how the building's interior has changed.

New offers for investors

We've launched some great offers for you prior to the stage change and New Year's holidays.

• New Year's Lottery. On January 10, we'll raffle off investment packages at stage 17 discount: one $ 15,000 package and ten $ 1,000 packages. To participate in the raffle, invest between December 8 and December 31. Every time your payments amount to $ 250, you will get 1 coupon. More details can be found here.

• New conditions of the "Gift to a Friend" option. Now you get $ 5 to your partner account for each invited friend. We give your friend $ 25 credited to the main account in the back office, this money can be invested in the project. Explain to your friend that in order to get the gift, it is important to activate their account, get verified and invest timely. Detailed conditions of the option are available here.

In the coming days another long-awaited offer for investors will be launched. Stay tuned for our news!