Photo overview of the construction site

Photo overview of the construction site

The "Sovelmash" D&E is improving in appearance every day! In the photo you can see both the areas where the work is completed or close to completion and those where the work is in full swing.

• The elevators on the 1st floor of the office and amenity building have got a finished look.
• The front entrance is being faced with granite tiles from the outside.
• The foundations for the supports of the noise shield are being cast.
• The strapping of the dry cooling towers, which are part of the building's cooling system, has been completed. Pressure testing and insulation are coming next, followed by fencing and a canopy.
• The ventilation is being installed in special-purpose premises.

At the same time, the development and preparation for product manufacturing is underway. One of the pictures shows custom motor parts being machined.

Thanks to the investors of the project, we can see this dynamics in the photo. Now it is important to continue to actively support the construction with investments, so that this summer we will all see the completed engineering centre in all its glory!