
Aktuální informace o projektu Motory Dujunova
Productive end of 2023 for "Sovelmash"!
Productive end of 2023 for "Sovelmash"!
29 prosince 2023
Key events of the project in December
Key events of the project in December
29 prosince 2023
SOLARGROUP technical support working hours on holidays
SOLARGROUP technical support working hours on holidays
28 prosince 2023
December 29 is the last day of stage 18!
December 29 is the last day of stage 18!
28 prosince 2023
The "Sovelmash" D&E will celebrate the New Year with heating connected!
The "Sovelmash" D&E will celebrate the New Year with heating connected!
27 prosince 2023
Last days of round 3 in the SOLARGROUP lottery
Last days of round 3 in the SOLARGROUP lottery
27 prosince 2023
New Year's Eve prediction
New Year's Eve prediction
27 prosince 2023
This is your last opportunity to buy shares at a discount of the initial stages!
This is your last opportunity to buy shares at a discount of the initial stages!
26 prosince 2023


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