
Aktuální informace o projektu Motory Dujunova
Got warmed up and surprised: representatives of "Technopolis "Moscow" visited the "Sovelmash" construction site
Got warmed up and surprised: representatives of "Technopolis "Moscow" visited the "Sovelmash" construction site
7 ledna 2023
"Duyunov's motors" project: invest in a sustainable future
"Duyunov's motors" project: invest in a sustainable future
5 ledna 2023
Media about the project and "Sovelmash" in 2022
Media about the project and "Sovelmash" in 2022
4 ledna 2023
Project's geography at funding stage 17
Project's geography at funding stage 17
3 ledna 2023
Extending project funding stage 17 until January 15 inclusive
Extending project funding stage 17 until January 15 inclusive
31 prosince 2022
Completion of "Business Shark" and the third flow of "Partner Race"
Completion of "Business Shark" and the third flow of "Partner Race"
31 prosince 2022
Key Project Events: December Digest
Key Project Events: December Digest
31 prosince 2022
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
31 prosince 2022


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