
Aktuální informace o projektu Motory Dujunova
Preparations to put the "Sovelmash" D&E into operation
Preparations to put the "Sovelmash" D&E into operation
5 října 2023
"Oscars" by SOLARGROUP: awarding the winners
"Oscars" by SOLARGROUP: awarding the winners
5 října 2023
New level: the updated mobile application by SOLARGROUP is available in all languages of the back office
New level: the updated mobile application by SOLARGROUP is available in all languages of the back office
4 října 2023
Key events of the project in September
Key events of the project in September
2 října 2023
Conversion of the "Sovelmash" shares: answering the main questions
Conversion of the "Sovelmash" shares: answering the main questions
2 října 2023
Klíčové novinky projektu Motory Dujunova za týden
Klíčové novinky projektu Motory Dujunova za týden
1 října 2023
"Partner Race": the legend is making a comeback
"Partner Race": the legend is making a comeback
1 října 2023
Win an electric car, a "Slavyanka" based motorcycle and bonus shares!
Win an electric car, a "Slavyanka" based motorcycle and bonus shares!
1 října 2023


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