Do you want to be in the Book of Success?

Do you want to be in the Book of Success?

It's time to talk about beautiful things. More than a year ago we conceived the idea of making the SOLARGROUP Book of Success - to tell the story of business through people's stories. We set ourselves a goal: to create a book as a tool useful to the partner community, the company, and each and every partner individually. Over this time, a lot of materials, stories, and characters for our book have emerged. 

The Book of Success is like the Book of Destinies. It will simultaneously share the journey of the partner, where the heroes are the partners of SOLARGROUP who we are proud to cooperate with, and give each participant of the partner program materials with which they can fill and emotionally enhance their presentations. The SOLARGROUP Book of Success will not only be an e-book, it will be a beautiful edition with a unique design.

We listen to stories from childhood, we empathize with the characters and see ourselves in them, stories help us overcome doubts, inspire and motivate us. We read a story - and we want to repeat the hero's journey. In their stories, the partners share their experiences, how they made mistakes, overcame difficulties, and what made them successful. And the reader receives this experience in a ready-made form: what the hero of the story spent months of labor on, the newcomer partner can apply now by reading the story.

The stories of our partners are the best proof of the excellent performance of the partner program and the implementation of any of the opportunities it contains. This way we can see and show others that the business model we offer works, people achieve success in it, and it helps them improve their quality of life and achieve what they want. For SOLARGROUP, everyone's contribution to our common cause is important, we respect and appreciate our heroes. And we want them to be known by their faces. This is our gift to the entire partner community - and at the same time a collection of the most effective tools for partner work with customers. Stories draw people into the business, answer questions, and allow for emotional involvement of any listener to whom the partner is making a business proposal.

We have so many partners and friends, and they are so different that they deserve their own page in the company's history. We always repeat "SOLARGROUP is about people" because above all it is a relationship business, where every participant is valuable. That's why we decided to dedicate a book to our partners.

Are you reading the stories of our national partners and thinking it's too soon for you to be on the pages of this book? It's not too early for you, your path is unique and you have something to say. Don't think about how big your partner structure is or what your status is. All that matters is who you are and why you are with us. There is no such thing as insignificant results; whoever is not proud of small steps to victory will never achieve major success. Every national partner has been in your shoes, the path to success is not universal. And it doesn't matter what part of the path you're on now, what matters is where you want to go and what you're doing to get there. Success in the partner business is yours only. It's what helps you discover your own abilities and will one day make you independent.

And when we read about heroes, we believe those who are willing to share their hardships and show their vulnerability. Getting superpowers is cool, but the interesting thing is what happened before them. Storytelling will be a working tool for business if the story has a beginning and development. Like a book will be captivating when you believe the author.

You're a partner of SOLARGROUP, which means you're already writing your own book. Don't worry if you don't know how to talk about yourself well yet, we can help you with that. And you get a tool for your business that will attract customers to you better than any presentation - your own success story.

Answer the questions here. That way you don't have to think about where to start, what to tell and where to stop. We designed the questions to make you feel like a cool author.

You can be sure that a place in the SOLARGROUP Book of Success is rightfully yours. Take it!