Q&A / How much can the "Sovelmash" D&E earn?

Q&A / How much can the "Sovelmash" D&E earn?

Many of the project investors are interested in what income the "Sovelmash" design and engineering technology department will generate by developing custom-made electric motors. 

It depends on several factors

• Development complexity. It is one thing to develop a motor and give its documentation to the customer company. Another thing is to develop the tooling along with the documentation or help the customer set up the motor production. These are tasks with different levels of complexity and different costs. The cost of development is determined, among other things, by the motor dimensions. Depending on the complexity and scale of development, the "Sovelmash" D&E will be able to execute up to 3-5 orders per year. The cost of developing a motor averages $50,000,000 worldwide.

• External circumstances. The economic situation in the world affects the demand for "Sovelmash" products and services. It is difficult to make accurate predictions in times of change, but the general trends are obvious. States seek self-sufficiency and efficiency in vital industries, including energy production. And "Sovelmash" can help them with that. For example, to build an enterprise to produce energy-efficient motors that are superior to all existing analogues in the world. The demand for "Sovelmash" services is growing. 

Conclusion: It is impossible to give an accurate prediction of how much the "Sovelmash" D&E will earn. But an average income of a few dozens or hundreds of millions of dollars a year is quite feasible. 

Watch a video in which the project leader and creator of the "Slavyanka" technology Dmitriy Duyunov answers in more detail the question about the income level of "Sovelmash".