SOLARGROUP opens a national representative office in Colombia

SOLARGROUP opens a national representative office in Colombia

Speeches of the top officials in the project "Duyunov's motors" and cultural events with the national flavor were the highlights of the SOLARGROUP conference, held in Yopal, Colombia, on May 14.

The broadcast recording is available at.

Watch the video report of the event at.

Colombia is the third Latin American country to open a national representative office of SOLARGROUP.

The event brought together more than 100 participants: investors, partners and people interested in the project.

The conference speakers provided the guests with comprehensive information about the project and answered their questions.

Dmitriy Duyunov addressed the event participants in a video format. He thanked the investors and partners from Colombia for their support of the project: "We are building a new world with you, we are building the future. Each of you will forever leave your mark on history, touch the project with your soul and become its soul... The project has become international. It is beyond politics and at the same time concerns all the inhabitants of planet Earth, because the world is unthinkable without induction motors."

General Director of SOLARGROUP Sergey Semyonov noted in his video statement: "Participation in the project is a cause that can become your life's mission, will benefit the world and will work for many years."

The Commercial Director of SOLARGROUP Pavel Shadskiy congratulated the guests on opening the representative office via an online video conference. He emphasized the active development of the project in Colombia and introduced the national partner Elena Lozada, who made the project known to Colombians. Last summer, Elena personally visited the "Sovelmash" construction site to share the information and impressions with her compatriots. Today there are more than 1,600 project participants in Colombia, and the number is growing. There are regular webinars and live meetings in Spanish for Colombians.

Birdi Gulshan Kumar, the national partner of SOLARGROUP in India, Nepal and Italy, personally participated in the conference. He is the man who had introduced Elena Lozada to the project back then, and now helped organize the conference and communicated with the participants.

Head of Advertising and Public Relations Pavel Filippov also spoke via a video link from Russia. He shared the latest news about the construction of the "Sovelmash" D&E, showed a recent video from the construction site, informed about what had already been done and what tasks needed to be executed to complete the construction and ensure profits for the investors. Then Pavel answered questions from the audience.

The conference participants also had a chance to see the DA-90S combined winding motor first-hand and got an opportunity to invest in the project under special conditions.

Opening a national representative office is a new impetus for the project development in Colombia and other Latin American countries.