Learn about the new project from its originators

Learn about the new project from its originators

A start has been made!

On August 7, we introduced a project that aims to create a new industry in transportation. Collective funding will be utilized to establish an enterprise that will develop, manufacture, operate and sell new generation airships.

The project's funding stage zero has been launched with $ 2.5 million to raise! You can now buy a share in the business at the best discount in the SOLARGROUP back office.

Watch the broadcast recording to learn more about the technology-related and investment aspects of the project and meet the team.

On YouTube.

Project prelaunch chat.

The presentation of the project was delivered with the participation of the leading Russian specialists in airship construction, scientists, designers of AO Aerostatika headed by the academy member Alexander Kirilin. Aerostatika will develop innovative airships using its own patented technologies. The project will also be implemented with the support of the Moscow Aviation Institute and other organizations of the industry.

The CEO of SOLARGROUP Sergey Semyonov spoke about the financial aspect of the project and its implementation strategy.

We would like to emphasize that we continue to fulfill all our obligations to the investors and partners of the project "Duyunov's motors" and "Sovelmash"! The processes for acquiring the company's shares and launching the internal stock exchange are well underway. The 300 million rubles to be transfered to "Sovelmash" in the second half of the year has already been partially engaged.

So, we already have a very robust team of developers, production and investment engagement specialists in place. We have all the necessary patents and know-how, a solid business strategy and preliminary agreements with airship customers. The investments will go straight to business.

Join us and let's get started together!