There's no such thing as too much of "Thank You"

There's no such thing as too much of "Thank You"

At the SOLARGROUP International Conference on September 16, we announced the decision to extend the "Thank You" offer in response to numerous requests from our investors and partners. Previously, it was planned to close the offer on September 15. But now you can invest until September 30 inclusive and get extra shares and other bonuses!

The offer turned out to be the most successful in the entire history of the project. We managed to attract record-high funding.

Over the 2 months of the offer in effect:

• 4,330 new investors have participated in it,
• $ 4,561,948 has been deposited into the back office accounts,
• $ 16,705,523 worth of installment liabilities has been sold.

Results achieved at the "Sovelmash" construction site thanks to the offer.

• The vast majority of outdoor utilities have been installed: heating, hot water supply, electricity, lighting, telemetry and others. It remains to install cold water supply pipes and connect the storm water drainage system to the central mains. Inside the building, work on the engineering networks is in full swing: a lot has already been done, but much remains to be done, too.

• The asphalt has been paved at the loading ramp, on the left side and behind the building. But there are still a few more layers to be paved. The asphalt on the right side of the D&E is being prepared for paving.

• The green areas are already being formed: in the rear part of the site a lawn area has been prepared for backfilling with black soil.

• A large amount of internal finishing for the walls, floors and ceilings has been completed. In some rooms of the office and amenity building, the floor tiling has been completely installed and the walls and ceilings have been painted. There is still a lot of work to be done on internal finishing of the premises.

• Ventilation systems are being installed. This is another scope of work that needs to be completed.

• The fire extinguishing sprinkler system has been installed and painted, a number of other tasks have also been completed.

But we cannot rest on our laurels. It is crucial to complete the main scope of construction work outdoors, connect the building to the heat supply and other utilities before the onset of cold weather.

Therefore, we urge all the investors and partners to actively participate in the offer that is beneficial to absolutely every participant in the project.

The terms of the offer are available here.

Hurry up to take advantage and support the "Sovelmash" D&E construction!