Conserve fauna with SOLARGROUP | Clear Business

Conserve fauna with SOLARGROUP | Clear Business

Do you know that today approximately every minute nature loses several species of animals? This is an all-time record for the planet. It happens because we live in an era of global human influence on the environment.

All other elements of ecosystems depend on the sustainability of our fauna. All of the planet's resources depend on the conservation of biodiversity. The quality of human life also depends on the conservation of fauna: biodiversity provides food, medicines and much more to people. As you can see, even your cats, dogs and other pets have a mission - these populations help keep the planet's ecosystem sustainable.

With the advancement of technology and growing population, electricity consumption is increasing rapidly. And the increasing generation of electricity poses one of the most damaging effects on the environment. In the face of high electricity consumption, animal life is the least protected. Besides, it pollutes the air, causing chronic poisoning in animals, which may not manifest itself for a long time, but leads to mutation and gradual extinction of the species. There are currently more than 15,000 known diseases of various animal species caused by environmental factors. Soil and water are polluted, animals are forced to leave their natural habitats. Animals experience stress when the parameters of the natural environment change dramatically. Even species seemingly unaffected by human consumption of electricity have already shown a decline in reproductive capacity and an increased risk of extinction. Yes, we're talking about our pets.

Have you noticed that the same things that negatively affect us humans also affect them?

But we are in a position to change that, whereas they are not.

It is quite natural that complex genetic mutations, stretching over dozens and hundreds of years, seem very remote to most of us. And people who have cats and dogs do not rush to sound the alarm and urge everyone around them to support energy-saving technologies.

However, let's take a look at what's happening now. According to the most commonly used classification, the increasing consumption of electricity leads to 4 types of pollution:

• biological,
• physical,
• mechanical,
• chemical.

How does each of these types affect animals? Biological types of pollution arise against the background of anthropogenic activities, which primarily include the energy industry. As a result, the natural balance is disturbed and parasitic microorganisms appear, leading to deadly animal diseases and epidemics.

Physical types of pollution include increased noise levels, temperature increases and other factors that change the characteristics of the biosphere. That causes stress and unpredictable behaviour in animals.

Mechanical types of pollution include primarily industrial waste, pollution of soil and water resources, and changes in the natural landscape. That has already resulted in the extinction of several species of living organisms and a dramatic narrowing of the habitat. It has also contributed to the spread of poisonous compounds with high volatility that are affecting the health of mammals right now. The source of chemical pollution comes from the power generation industry, among other things. That increases the content of harmful substances in the environment and leads to a dramatic change in the normal chemical composition of water, air and soil - and the rapid growth of pathogenic microflora, equally dangerous to humans and animals.

Today, each of us can make a contribution to the preservation of the planet - and take care of its most vulnerable inhabitants. The project "Duyunov's motors" will allow the world to gradually go into the energy saving mode, to spend energy more wisely. To date, the development and dissemination of energy saving technologies has been recognised as the most effective solution to the environmental problem in the long run. In this way, electric motors that rely on the "Slavyanka" combined winding technology can become a solution to the global issue - and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity on the planet. By investing in the project and recommending it to others, you are helping to conserve fauna.

Preserving the planet means learning to cherish its resources and all the creatures that inhabit it.

SOLARGROUP's mission is to preserve the planet by supporting innovative technologies and ensuring the financial well-being of all participants of the project. We would like to demonstrate that we can live in harmony with the world.

And of course, we really want our cats and dogs to be okay too.

Support the project and tell your friends about us!