SOLARGROUP has won hearts in Latin America

SOLARGROUP has won hearts in Latin America

All it took was holding a second conference! To recap, the first conference in Peru was held in 2021 and the second one - quite recently, on May 27 in Lima.

Today we will show what it was like.

• Over 200 conference guests.
• Impressive funding figures.
• Top managers of the company.
• Achievements and final construction stages for the "Sovelmash" engineering centre.
• News about the opening of the SOLARGROUP office in Peru.
• A showroom right in the office where absolutely everyone can now touch, see first-hand and explore the motors, the technology and all the documents of the project for as long as they like!
• Intensive training for partners on the next day after the conference.

And that's far from being everything that the participants and supporters of the project in Peru were offered this time.

"I am very happy! - says Rosa Pérez, the participant and partner of SOLARGROUP in Peru. - The partners had a lot of questions. I invited my team of partners, about 50 people. None of us has been to Russia and seen the D&E. And here we got information from the company's top officials. And those who haven't invested yet will do so! The conference exceeded all my expectations."

Another partner of ours confided that it had taken a year to convince one customer to invest. And the conference has settled this issue!

Many guests noted that they were particularly impressed by the presentation made by Andrey Lobov, head of the "Resurs" production cooperative. The "Slavyanka" combined winding electric motors and the boat motor that Andrey had brought to the conference kept gathering large numbers of interested people around. People had so many questions about the motors that Andrey didn't have time for a cup of coffee during the break!

Watch the video of the past conference with the most significant, moving and inspiring highlights, as well as our photo report here.

There is no doubt that the values of the project "Duyunov's motors" and SOLARGROUP - preserving the planet and giving people equal opportunities for well-being - are now shared by the entire (or almost the entire) Latin America!