The "Partner Race" and "Business Shark" promos: 1 participant = 3 goals

The "Partner Race" and "Business Shark" promos: 1 participant = 3 goals

Are you a partner of SOLARGROUP keeping up with the project news? Then you're ready to achieve your goals.

1. JOIN the game and win prizes!

2. DEVELOP in business and become a leader easily!

3. Accelerate the project implementation and laying engineering utilities at the "Sovelmash" D&E!

The second round of the "Partner Race" and "Business Shark" promotions has started. You have a chance to be one of the finalists!

START - July 1.

FINISH - September 30.

The first round finalists have already received their awards. We covered that here.

Meet the promo conditions in three months and get:

• Up to $ 1,000 to the partner account and up to 100,000 gift investment shares - in "Partner Race", the bonuses are summed up for each new status!

• Status prizes and gifts from SOLARGROUP - the "Business Sharks" are given diamond badges, Parker pens, Apple Watches and a laptop!

And there's more! By participating in the promos, you gain experience that makes you stronger and empowers your team. Find out how to achieve all your goals by using promos and accelerate the project imlementation in "Partner Work Methodology".

You have everything it takes to win! In the back office you will find an answer to any promo-related question, tips, easy-to-use tools, and even a ready-made strategy for action.

Get into gear, involve your team, and achieve your goals together with us!