Repay your installment ahead of schedule and get bonus shares

Repay your installment ahead of schedule and get bonus shares

Have an installment plan in the project "Duyunov's motors"? Repay several months at once with a single payment under the "Early Repayment" option. It's good for you and benefits the project. The earlier the installment plans are paid, the sooner "Sovelmash" will build the engineering center, start making profit and paying dividends to the investors.
 How to use the "Early Repayment" option

1. Add funds to the main account in the back office for the amount required.
2. Go to "Investments", "My Investments" subsection. If you have several installment plans, open the one you want to repay ahead of schedule.
3. Click "Payment Schedule" to the right of the selected installment plan. In the schedule, select the number of months you want to pay early. The more months you pay for, the more bonus shares you get.
4. IMPORTANT! Select "Early Repayment" as the type of payment for the package. Next to it, you will see how many extra shares you get. Be careful at this stage! If you choose the "Regular Repayment" payment type, you will not get the bonuses.
5. Click "Pay".
The installment schedule will be adjusted. The next payment will be due in a month.

The "Early Repayment" option can be combined with the other offers in the project. All information about them is available in the back office, in "Promotions" - "For Investors". Or by following the link 
Study and use this opportunity to increase the benefits of investing in the project!