The updated marketing plan presentation is already in the back office!

The updated marketing plan presentation is already in the back office!

Visit your back office account. The updated presentation of the SOLARGROUP marketing plan can be found there.

It is available in the Russian and foreign languages. And you need it because you want to have the most up-to-date materials at your fingertips when working with people.

• How do I find the updated presentation? This way: "For Partners" - "Plan"tab - "Status". Or this way: "For Partners" - "Plan" tab - "Presentation". As always, we've made sure you're comfortable and can navigate easily.
• What can I do with the updated presentation?  

Download by clicking on the "Download presentation" button.

Share the presentation with your partners or with those people you want to introduce to the SOLARGROUP partner business.

Stay tuned for more updates! We're constantly working on them to make it even easier for you in every action you take. We're always happy to share the results with you and answer questions if they arise.

We wish you successful and comfortable work!