New publications about "Sovelmash" at the "Army-2022" forum

New publications about "Sovelmash" at the "Army-2022" forum

The developments of "Sovelmash" continue to wow the press. Two new articles have been published today, and in both of them the "Sovelmash" exhibits are again noted in the list of the best innovations of the "Army-2022" forum. 

The magazine published a report 
about the most interesting vehicles at the exhibition.

The ranking features an all-terrain vehicle based on the BTR-80 armoured personnel carrier, which the "Sovelmash" specialists equipped with "Slavyanka" combined winding electric motors. The journalists were impressed by the internals of the "shabby vehicle", which does not stand out among the state-of-the-art machinery of the forum only on the outside: "The range of the all-terrain vehicle can reach an inconceivable performance for a standard vehicle amounting to 2,000-3,000 kilometers on a single charge". 

The audience of also chose the best development: "Sovelmash" leads in the voting with a large margin. 

Mil.Press, the priority media partner of "Army-2022", included the report about "Sovelmash" in the video diary of the forum's innovations. You can watch it by clicking here

Alexander Sudarev told the media outlet about the advantages of the "Slavyanka" technology, the company's developments, the D&E construction and the services that the engineering center would provide. 

The video diary of "Army-2022" innovations is a series of broadcasts about the innovative products offered by 50 cutting-edge enterprises. It is broadcast daily on the big screens of the forum and in the Russian major military and technology media. The diary content will be included in the summary bottom-line film, which will be shown to the Defense Ministry's commanders and specialists of the security agencies. The developer companies are guaranteed to get the attention of potential customers.

To recap, the international military and technology forum "Army-2022" was held on August 15-21 in the Moscow region. Since August 19, it was open for the general public to visit.