How dreams come true

How dreams come true

Do you know that any new technology has its myths? For example, no one believed in 3D printers. And although this technology has long penetrated into all areas of life, the myths about it have not changed: it's expensive, it's difficult, it's only for professionals. And the biggest myth about 3D printing is that if it were that easy, we would have been printing our own houses and food a good while ago.

Myths about 3D printers, just like about any technology, will disappear only when all people understand how it works, and 3D printers in every home will be no more extraordinary than an electric kettle. Hmm, an electric kettle. Surely no one believed in it either...

"Duyunov's motors" are going the same way. The same myths are shaped about them: it's long, it's complicated, if it were that simple, we would have been driving electric cars long ago and living off the profits from investing in this project.

Of course, not all people believe in myths. Most people study the technology before they join. And they don't expect businesses to appear magically, and dreams come true once you want them to.

Dreams come true when people join forces. They work hard and appreciate each other's work. Some time ago, "Duyunov's motors" was just an idea, a dream, which no one believed would come true. And today, dozens of thousands of people in 197 countries around the world believe in and support those who are creating the engineering enterprise with their own hands. It is a tremendous effort by hundreds of specialists, and the speed with which the project is developing, despite the obstacles, is admirable and gratifying.

Every week we share with you the news from the "Sovelmash" construction site. What's behind it? It's not magic at all! People do it with their hands, and the weekly bottom line is a story about the people who, through hours of their work and incredible effort, are bringing the dream of many closer.

We are happy to tell you about the new electric motors with "Slavyanka" and innovative developments of "Sovelmash". And it's not magic either. It took years of work and overcoming to be able to share this with the world today.

This is how our dreams are coming true! Thanks to the hard work and combined efforts not only of the employees, but also of the project investors and partners in different countries. We know who believes in myths about technology. Only those who have never tried to make their dreams come true. This kind of person might say: I've been waiting way too long, so this technology doesn't work. But this is the reasoning of someone who didn't put in their effort to make the dream come true because they didn't believe it was in their power to do so. Yes, it takes a lot of work and patience - and the more of it, the more valuable the result. 

Every day of work is a small triumph over myths and a big step forward.