Andrey Lobov spoke at the University of Ecuador and ran an experiment for future engineers

Andrey Lobov spoke at the University of Ecuador and ran an experiment for future engineers

On May 31, as part of the SOLARGROUP delegation's visit to Latin America, the "Slavyanka" technology was presented at Ecuador's prestigious higher education institution, Universidad Técnica de Ambato.

Andrey Lobov, head of the "Resurs" production cooperative, addressed the professors, the dean of the university and engineering students. He demonstrated to them the combined winding electric motors made by ASPP Weihai. The event brought together so many participants that they could barely fit into the room reserved for demonstrating the motors!

Andrey Lobov spoke about the benefits and practical applications of the technology for vehicles. The audience learned what vehicles could use the "Slavyanka" powered motors in their country and how this would affect the environment. First of all, tuk-tuks and electric cars were noted. The technology makes it possible to use electric vehicles:

• in cities to reduce noise and air pollution,
• in conservation areas where petrol vehicles are prohibited,
• at high altitudes, where ICE vehicles can operate intermittently.

During the event, Andrey Lobov conducted an experiment: he invited the students to assemble the motor themselves, explaining that he had not had time to assemble it because of the flight. Surprisingly, the students pulled it off in 10 minutes! Thus it was possible to graphically demonstrate the ease of working with "Slavyanka" powered motors. Andrey Lobov pointed out in his speech that Ecuador has good students, excellent future engineers - a statement to which the students gave a standing ovation. That's really true! Ecuador's future engineers asked for permission to fit the assembled motor to an electric car that they had designed themselves for a competition. Very soon, the new electric car with a "Slavyanka" motor will participate in the competition, and we wish the guys a victory!

Such first-hand presentations and demonstrations of the "Slavyanka" technology at universities in the region are of utmost importance. Thanks to them, our delegation is able to introduce the project not only to business people and potential investors, but also to academics and future engineers in Latin America, who will be able to apply and promote the technology in their country.

See our photo and video report of the event - and embrace the atmosphere of progress!