How are Duyunov's electric motors changing the world for the better?

How are Duyunov's electric motors changing the world for the better?

The environmental pollution caused by human activity byproducts has turned into a global and disastrous process.

All stages of energy production have negative impact on the environment:
• extraction and transportation of fossil fuels;
• energy production, transfer and consumption;
• burning organic fuel.
Besides, vast land territories are allocated for the construction of hydroelectric power plants and other fuel and power complex facilities, thus destroying its natural ecosphere.
The earth population keeps on constantly growing, it means that mankind is ramping up its scope of activities gradually bringing the planet to the verge of environmental crisis.

This situation can be saved only by mainstream implementation of new technologies that minimize the harm to the nature we are currently causing.

The mainstream implementation of the innovative development of Dmitriy Duyunov will lead to considerably reducing the harmful effect of the industry on out planet's biosphere.

According to the results of a large body of research documented by the employees of our company and the reports of our partners, electric motors modernized using the Slavyanka technology reduce the motor consumption of electrical energy by 10-40 % and improve its energy efficiency class to premium and even super premium.

Just imagine the mainstream implementation of super efficient motors and worldwide reduction in production and consumption of electricity even by 10 %!

A significant advantage of the innovation is not only reducing the consumption level but also boosting the motor power which results in higher efficiency of machinery operation. Such solutions are needed in the country and on planet.

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