"It's not just the investment here, but also the huge potential of people," live impressions of SOLARGROUP's visit to Vietnam

"It's not just the investment here, but also the huge potential of people," live impressions of SOLARGROUP's visit to Vietnam

Guests and speakers of SOLARGROUP conferences in Vietnam shared their opinions about the event and the project development in the country.

The guests noted the brilliant organization of the event and its value. For them it was important:

• to personally meet the SOLARGROUP leaders whom they had previously only seen online; 
• to get a lot of useful information about the project and learn about the progress of "Sovelmash";
• to see "Slavyanka" based motors and equipment firsthand.

The conference speakers saw great interest in the project from the Vietnamese.

Pavel Filippov, Head of Advertising and Public Relations at SOLARGROUP: 
"We realized that the technology is really needed in Vietnam, we realized which motors are the most popular". 

Andrey Lobov, Director of the "Resurs" production cooperative:
 "The Vietnamese market is very important. Not only is there investment here, there's huge potential for people who like to ride bikes and have to ride boats. They are interested in having cost-efficient "Slavyanka" based motors that are charged by the solar power."

Pavel Shadskiy, Commercial Director of SOLARGROUP: "Vietnam has a very high potential in terms of attracting investment. Because the Vietnamese are open to the technology and loyal to the homeland of the project due to the historical connection between the USSR and Vietnam. Now we are at the first stage of market development, we decided to open offices in every major city, as we see how effective it is."

More impressions and details about the SOLARGROUP conference in Vietnam can be found in the video. Watch and share with the other project participants.