Meetings for Vietnamese investors and partners with the participation of Pavel Filippov

Meetings for Vietnamese investors and partners with the participation of Pavel Filippov

Vietnam is one of the leading countries in terms of investment in the project "Duyunov's motors". SOLARGROUP pays special attention to developing the Vietnamese partner community, so we held a number of live events in Vietnam in the run-up to the Chinese New Year.

On January 14, an offline meeting for leading partners was held in Hanoi with the participation of SOLARGROUP's Head of Advertising and Public Relations Pavel Filippov and national partner Trinh Van Long. It gathered 30 partners with the "Expert" and higher statuses.

The speakers talked about the development of the project and the value of the partner community. The participants asked Pavel Filippov a lot of questions, and active dialogue continued after the official part. The partners were 100% satisfied with the event.

After that, Pavel Filippov held several more business meetings in different cities of Vietnam: with a national partner, a major investor, and a group of partners.

The meetings provided a good impetus for the development of the project in Vietnam in 2024. We are planning to continue it through further active work with our Vietnamese partners.