Questions & Answers | What will 2020 be like in the project: Dmitriy Duyunov's forecast

Questions & Answers | What will 2020 be like in the project: Dmitriy Duyunov's forecast

The pandemic and the economic crisis raised a number of questions for the participants and organizers of the project "Duyunov's motors". The most important of them is the following: Will the project cope with the new conditions and be able to develop as planned?

Dmitriy Duyunov gave his assessment of what is happening now and forecast for the future. He didn't downplay the scale of the disaster that had hit the whole world. At the same time, he was optimistic about the project's prospects: "We have faced the crisis well prepared. Our project offers new technologies."

Dmitriy Duyunov's words have been proved right in practice.
Let's recall what results the company "SovElMash" and the project on the whole have demonstrated since the beginning of the crisis.

February 2020:
- the project documentation of the innovative center was re-submitted for the state expert review,
- a national representative office of the project was opened in Senegal,
- a new back office design and functionality was launched.

March 2020:
- the first combined winding motors developed by "SovElMash" were produced,
- the company's audit for 2019 was passed flawlessly,
- cooperation with the Chinese partners necessary to produce general-purpose industrial motors with "Slavyanka" was established,
- the project attracted a record amount of monthly investment.

"SovElMash" and SOLARGROUP now continue to work. All the team members continue to be employed and paid despite the conditions of self-isolation.

Watch the video for a detailed analysis of the situation from Dmitriy Duyunov and his forecast for 2020.