Find out how much investment has been attracted to the project

Find out how much investment has been attracted to the project

We have added new functionality in the SOLARGROUP back office! You can now monitor the funding of the New Generation Airships project in real time.

Follow the link to see the counter.

The prelaunch funding stage of the project is currently underway. We need to attract $ 2,500,000 at this stage.

The counter shows how much actual payments have been made in the project by its investors. As of August 16, it is more than $ 166,000 - that's how much money we have attracted in 10 days since the launch of the project.

The counter also shows the amount of installment liabilities. This figure accounts for the total amount of payments that are to be paid on the installment plans issued in the project.

When the entire target amount is collected, the project will go to the next stage, and the price of investment shares will increase 2 times. This is something that may happen at any time, so hurry up and invest to buy your portion of the business on the best conditions!
