UNEP about the planet's ecology: new threats and prospects

UNEP about the planet's ecology: new threats and prospects

The 6th edition of the Global Environment Outlook report has been published in Russian. This is a document that sets the environmental agenda in the world. Its authors assess the state of the environment, talk about new scientific data, green technologies, financial instruments, give recommendations for politicians and managers to achieve sustainable development goals. The report was presented at the end of January in Moscow.
 The document is available at https://clck.ru/atotz 
The report was prepared and translated by UNEP, the world's leading organization for the protection of the planet's ecology. It cooperates with states and non-governmental institutions.
Key facts and conclusions drawn from the report
• Experts consider the climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution of the planet by waste, and the food crisis to be the main threats to the planet's ecology.
• Air pollution is the cause of premature death of 6-7 million people a year. First of all, the residents of megacities are affected by it.
• Global energy consumption will grow by 63% from 2014 to 2040. The energy crisis is escalating.
Experts believe that the environmental protection measures that are currently being implemented are not enough to prevent an environmental disaster. To save the planet we should:
• change the way of life everywhere,
• quickly introduce innovations,
• attract investments into environmentally friendly business,
• unite the efforts of different countries.
The project "Duyunov's motors" is already implementing some of these tasks. We are attracting investments to construct an engineering center where energy-efficient electric motors will be developed. Over time, we want these motors to be used everywhere, saving energy and resources. People from many countries participate in the project. Join us and change this world for the better with us!