The "Slavyanka" technology on innovative aircraft

The "Slavyanka" technology on innovative aircraft

A meeting on the establishment of an aviation cluster was held at the level of the PRC government in Deqing, China. Victor Arestov, head of ASPP Weihai and partner of "Sovelmash", was invited to attend the meeting, as well as the leaders of the project aimed at creating innovative aircraft and developing an aviation cluster in Deqing.

Victor Arestov is in charge of the drive department in this project.

On the part of the Chinese Aviation Institute of Turbomachinery, the meeting was attended by project manager Valeriy Tupolev, grandson of the legendary Soviet aircraft designer, who is also vice president of the Russian Academy of Engineering and head of the RAE's branch in China. The director of the Institute and his deputy participated too.

The meeting was attended by Jean-Francois Boisson, an invited guest from France, who manages various aviation development projects and works with many universities and aviation organisations around the world.

It is planned to use the "Slavyanka" technology in high-frequency motors and generators of electric and hybrid aircraft.

Victor Arestov has repeatedly emphasised that the main purpose of his work in China is to find motor development orders for the "Sovelmash" engineering centre. Once the D&E is completed, the company will be able to work with customers of the highest level.

Victor also talked about this at the SOLARGROUP reporting webinar. Watch the broadcast recording for more details.