Talent or hard work? The secrets of success from the top partner Gilles Weber

Talent or hard work? The secrets of success from the top partner Gilles Weber

A pioneer, record holder, workaholic and successful businessman — this is the real portrait of one of the best partners of SOLARGROUP. We have repeatedly told you about the success of Gilles Weber, but he continues to amaze us with his achievements! Being the national partner of SOLARGROUP in 5 countries (France, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Benin and Togo), he will soon open another national representative office in Cameroon.

The first national representative office of the company in the world was also opened with the assistance of Gilles Weber, in France in June 2019. This event can be called the start of the international expansion of SOLARGROUP and the project "Duyunov's motors".

In 2018, Gilles registered in SOLARGROUP's back office, being by that time a fairly successful person in the network business, having his own company in the field of environmental goods trade. The project initially won him over with a unique, high-quality and useful product, an affordable entrance threshold and great opportunities. Then Gilles set a goal to achieve the highest possible partner status in SOLARGROUP. It took him a year to do it.

In the summer of 2019, France was followed by Côte d'Ivoire. After that, Gilles came up with the idea to conduct a small tour of the French-speaking African countries. At that time, no one expected that the tour would be so successful and protracted: during the year, the top partner opened the representative offices of SOLARGROUP in Senegal, Benin and Togo (despite the pandemic) and is not going to rest on his laurels.

What does the partner's job comprise? It is not about resting on one's laurels, but constant work. Gilles Weber's daily schedule is as follows.
- The first thing he does after waking up is discussing the agenda with the supervisor.
- Then, before eating breakfast, he communicates in messengers with the partners who are looking forward to getting their questions answered.
- After that, he prepares for offline meetings with the investors and partners, which take place 4-5 times a week.
- Finally, he eats breakfast.
- Together with his assistants, he conducts offline presentations that often take up half of the working day and last until late in the evening, because the organizers personally help all the participants to register in the back office.
- Then he has dinner.
- After that, he again goes to answering the questions in the messengers.
- Then Gilles goes to bed and has 5-6 hours of sleep.

We must say that live meetings with the investors are held in different cities and countries, for personal participation in them Gilles travels hundreds of kilometers every month.
With such a busy schedule, it's not easy to find time to eating and sleeping. However, Gilles Weber works with amazing enthusiasm and diligence noted by everyone who is in the same team with him. He really likes this kind of work wholeheartedly!

What motivates the partner to work hard for SOLARGROUP? According to him, it is not only the earnings: he likes the project, the company's management, and the people with whom he has to work side by side. Gilles has managed to build a strong team of partners and assistants — this organizational talent helped him to open so many national representative offices. His right hand and closest assistant - Barbara Sacca-Kina - works just as intensively, answering dozens of questions from the participants in 15 different messenger groups every day. She also helps Gilles to organize and conduct presentations.

At the same time, Gilles admires the work of other top partners of the company, for example, Gulshan Kumar Birdi: India is one of the leaders by the number of the project investors. Therefore, Gilles believes that he has something to strive for. Although even now he is making history of SOLARGROUP and the project with his own hands, changing the lives of thousands of people on the planet for the better!

3 main tips from Gilles Weber to the partners.
- "Work with your sleeves rolled up, even when the initial enthusiasm has passed" is his most famous motto.
- "Invest in the project and you will return the money many times over."
"Find 5 champions in your structure and help them grow."

And what impresses you most about Gilles Weber? And what part of his experience do you use or are ready to adopt? Share it in the comments.