Stratospheric Aerostats AERONOVA: Characteristics and Capabilities

Stratospheric Aerostats AERONOVA: Characteristics and Capabilities

Find out who is building airships in Russia and how.

New models of stratospheric aircraft are among the most promising areas in aeronautics. Government agencies are actively expressing interest in this field.

Fedor Konstantinov, Head of the Project Department at SOLARGROUP, and Arkady Didkovskiy, Head of the Student Engineering Center Bauman, discussed current issues, plans, and opportunities in exploring the stratosphere. Let's find out:

• what lies ahead for the stratosphere from the perspective of international law,
• how the European space program is being implemented through stratospheric launches,
• who in Russia is involved in stratostats development,
• why the "New Generation Airships" project is leading in this direction.

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*The translation was carried out with the assistance of artificial intelligence.

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