"Sovelmash" takes part part in an event dedicated to the production of electric transport in Russia

"Sovelmash" takes part part in an event dedicated to the production of electric transport in Russia

On March 31, the congress center of the special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow" hosted an open discussion on the development of electric transport and charging infrastructure in Russia.

The event was attended by the representatives of the Association for the Development of Electric, Unmanned, Connected Transport and Infrastructure (AETI), the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development of Moscow, Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Mosprom", the "Skolkovo" Foundation, industrial companies in the field of electric vehicles and companies operating in the SEZ "Technopolis "Moscow" as its residents.

The CEO of "Sovelmash" Igor Nikolaevich Yakovlev also made a speech at the event and spoke about "Sovelmash", the combined winding technology "Slavyanka" and electric vehicles modernized using this technology.

Here are the main points of his speech:

- The Russian engineering company "Sovelmash" develops and puts into production induction electric motors with the unique patented combined winding technology "Slavyanka";

- The "Slavyanka" technology enables creating modern energy-efficient motors that meet class IE3, IE4 standards in the IE1 motor frame;

- Currently "Sovelmash" is among the residents of the technology and innovation special economic zone "Technopolis "Moscow". On the territory of the SEZ, the design and engineering technology department (D3333E) is being built, where electric machines rotating in accordance with the requirements and technical specifications of the potential customers will be developed, manufactured, and tested;

- Not only new electric motors are created on the basis of the combined winding technology "Slavyanka". With this technology, you can increase the energy efficiency of the existing motors that are mass produced;

- At the moment, there are dozens of thousands of electric motors with the combined winding "Slavyanka", which are used in various industries;

- Despite the fact that the D3333E is currently under construction, to date, a structure has been created that is capable of comprehensively fulfilling the company's tasks. "Sovelmash" has the patented "Slavyanka" technology and the Ansys Maxwell software and hardware complex, which is used to build electronic motor models. The high quality of the models is confirmed by the real studies of the prototype models. The accuracy of the calculations is over 90%;

- Today, the company has equipment for pilot production. It includes a laser complex for cutting plates, thermal equipment, a casting machine, a vacuum machine, etc. "Sovelmash" also has a high-precision state-of-the-art laboratory with certified equipment that can be used to test electric motors with a power of up to 70 kW;

- "Sovelmash" has created a plant for the production of the main encoder components and the company can mass-produce them using the equipment created by the engineers of "Sovelmash".

The video presented at the event features more detailed information about the performance characteristics of vehicles after modernizing them using "Slavyanka":
The "Slavyanka" technology in electric transport - https://youtu.be/aop2sLHnYD0

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