"Sovelmash" at the all-Russian meeting on the development of electric transport

"Sovelmash" at the all-Russian meeting on the development of electric transport

On May 12, "Sovelmash" took part in the all-Russian meeting on the development of electric transport and related infrastructure. The event was held in Moscow, at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. It brought together representatives of state authorities, businesses, developers of electric cars and charging stations, scientific and educational organizations, certification bodies. 

Alexander Sudarev, head of the company's media office, made a report on behalf of "Sovelmash". He spoke about the goals of "Sovelmash", the construction of the design and engineering technology department and what services the future enterprise would provide.

The recorded broadcast of the meeting is available here
. The time code for Alexander Sudarev's presentation is 02:34:51.

The meeting participants learned about the advantages of combined winding electric motors and examples of their effective use, including in vehicles. Alexander Sudarev also explained how the mass introduction of motors with "Slavyanka" would benefit the Russian economy and business. 

The company's readiness for import substitution on its premises, as well as for the creation of innovative enterprises to produce energy-efficient motors in Russia, was highlighted too. The "Sovelmash" D&E will not only engage in developing motors, but also in putting them into production at the customer's facilities. Such enterprises will be as isolated as possible from the need to purchase foreign parts and process equipment, since "Sovelmash" develops these components as well.

The participation of "Sovelmash" in the meeting on the development of electric transport shows how relevant the company's activities are in the present-day realities. The Russian Federation's focus on creating import-substituting products opens up a window of opportunity for the D&E, which will help the enterprise gain a stronger foothold in the domestic and foreign markets. This increases the viability of our project and allows its investors to receive more profits.