SOLARGROUP is exploring the possibilities of "Beta Technologies"

SOLARGROUP is exploring the possibilities of "Beta Technologies"

Learning new technologies and meeting with developers is one of the most important aspects of SOLARGROUP's activities. The most promising ideas can be transformed into new investment projects.

Today we want to tell you about an interesting development of the company "Beta Technologies" in the field of oil refining.

You can see how rapidly nuclear power, robotics, genetics, and digital technologies are developing in our world. At the same time, the oil refining industry whose performance directly affects the price of everything that mankind produces has stalled in its development. Most oil refineries were built a hundred years ago or more, and they continue to use the XVIII century inventions based on the operation of the internal combustion engine and thermal power principles.

The outdated approach results in the fact that the classical efficiency of crude oil processing does not exceed 45 %, and the remaining 55% is burned to produce heat necessary for the technical process, and thus becomes refinery waste in the form of heavy fuel oil.

The company "Beta Technologies" has developed revolutionary reactors for processing crude oil into finished petroleum products. The unique technology involves exposure of oil to accelerated electrons and microwaves instead of infrared radiation. The result is a rupture of long oil molecules and their bonding with light gas molecules. Using this technology, you can get any oil product: pure high-octane gasoline, kerosene, gases, etc.

At the same time, the efficiency of crude oil processing reaches 99 % instead of the classic 45 % with much lower energy consumption, which means that the technology is much more cost-efficient and environmentally friendly in comparison with the traditional one.

The innovative solution of "Beta Technologies" is applicable on a global scale and can cover the entire world market of petroleum products saving 3-5% of world economy's GDP.

SOLARGROUP has already held several introductory meetings with the management of "Beta Technologies" and started studying their developments. Our employees are visiting research institutes that have participated in designing, manufacturing and testing innovative oil refining reactors. After that, the negotiations will continue at the company's management level.

Joint solutions can be very interesting. Wait for more news!