SOLARGROUP INVEST CONFERENCE 2020: what was discussed at the online conference

SOLARGROUP INVEST CONFERENCE 2020: what was discussed at the online conference

The International Conference SIC-2020 gathered more than 10,000 viewers from different countries. All of them were united by the desire to learn more about making money investing and to understand how to achieve financial freedom.

SOLARGROUP's top officials, successful partners and experts in the field of investment addressed the international audience. 20 speakers were replacing each other, and each of them shared their expert opinion on the topic, inspiring personal experience and interesting information.

The broadcast was translated into 6 languages to make sure all the viewers understand the speakers.
If you still haven't watched the broadcast, definitely do it.
You can find the conference recorded broadcast here:
In Russian —
In German —
In French —
In Hindi —
In Vietnamese —
In English —
In Spanish —

The conference was opened and closed by SOLARGROUP's founder and Chief Executive Officer Sergey Semyonov. He voiced the idea that inspires the team: "Our company's mission is uniting people's resources to implement the scientific potential accumulated by the Soviet Union."

Over 3 years, SOLARGROUP has made significant progress in implementing its mission using the popular method of crowd funding. Pavel Filippov, head of advertising and public relations department, told the audience about the crowdinvesting market and its rapidly growing volume. He supported his words with statistics: "According to the experts, by 2025, the turnover of the crowdinvesting market will have amounted to 300 billion dollars. This market will grow 10 times in 10 years.
By 2030, no serious investor will be able to imagine their investment portfolio without a company working in the field of crowdinvesting", the speaker predicted.
Besides, Pavel Filippov told the audience about the essence of the project "Duyunov's motors", outlined the key events and main achievements.

Exclusive news that was announced at the conference: on July 30, the project goes to financing stage 14.
Pavel reminded the participants about the conditions that make it ultimately profitable to invest now.
For example, a 5% promo code discount for an investment package purchased within 30 days after the event is still available for the conference participants. More details here - /news/posts/registrirovalis-na-sic-2020-polucite-skidku-do-10-na-investicionnye-doli-1366

Among the achievements of SOLARGROUP's 3-year work, it's mostly the bright events of the project "Duyunov's motors" that are in the public eye. However, the company that started its path with a small group of enthusiastic professionals and turned into a well-coordinated large team has been developing together with the project.
Anton Tereshchenko, Executive Director of SOLARGROUP, outlined the results of 3 years of work and plans for the future: "We have created a tool that with the help of 14 small working groups operating at the price of renting 1 office in Moscow is able to attract $50 million per year for a single project. But we have taken a step further and are ready to multiply this figure by 5, that is, to implement 5 projects."

Victor Arestov, the project partner who produces motors modernized using "Slavyanka" in China, also shared his ambitious plans with the audience. He spoke about the creation and popularization of transport with Duyunov's motors worldwide. ASPP Weihai is already cooperating with major partners in Asia and is starting to launch vehicles with "Slavyanka" on European markets. However, the main aim articulated by Victor Arestov is the following: "To find more customers for "SovElMash" motors. All the work being done now is necessary to show the advantages of the technology."

Right after Victor Arestov, another project partner, head of the company "STIIN" Andrey Lobov presented his speech. He demonstrates to the whole world the advantages of the combined winding motors with his developments. The vehicles developed or enhanced by Lobov's team amaze with their originality and performance. Emelya's motor sled, the "Ant" tricycle, the "Snowmobile" hauling unit — these are the vehicles that have already become famous and received national recognition. The speaker shared information about the new developments: the "MotoMule" mini-tractor and the drilling rig. All of them are equipped with DA-90S motors modernized using the "Slavyanka" technology.

Opening up useful technologies to the world is one of SOLARGROUP's principles. The selection of projects in the company is based on strict criteria: thus, in 2019, 300 projects had been considered and 3 of them were accepted for development. Fyodor Konstantinov, head of the project department, told about this and also about when the new directions would be launched in his gripping speech. He also explained how and by whom the trend areas in science are funded worldwide. "Scientists change the world, and by funding scientists, we are choosing the vector of development. By joining forces, we can change the situation when only the wealthiest people choose the technologies that need to be developed."

A third of the conference was devoted to the company's key resource: its partner program.
SOLARGROUP has a large partner network: over 10,000 partners. Thanks to it, over 3 years the company has become one of the leaders of the global crowdinvesting market and been able to make the project "Duyunov's motors" international.

Pavel Shadskiy, head of the partner network development department spoke about how SOLARGROUP attracts partners, what the working conditions and income prospects in the company are.

Starting from this year, SOLARGROUP is launching a new way to reward partners: the Partner Club.
"The goal of the Club is to create a powerful community where people support and motivate each other," said the club administrator Denis Bogdanov. The Club members will communicate both remotely and in person while traveling, and improve their skills together. The first educational program for the Partner Club starts in August 2020. The conditions for joining the Club and financial incentives for its participants were announced at the conference. We will certainly tell you about them in more detail later.

Several event speakers elaborated on the importance of the personal environment and how it can change a person. Dmitriy Vasilyev, an international personal growth coach, made an interesting impression. He addressed the audience with specific principles following which you can boost your energy, replenish resources and make a breakthrough in any business.

The leading partners of SOLARGROUP are graphic examples of active and successful people. They were among the first ones to believe in the project and started promoting it in their countries, despite the language barrier and other difficulties. The best of the company's partners were among the conference speakers.

Aleksandr Manzhula, the leading partner in Russia, shared his methods of partner activity and recommended the following: "Create a business that will last for many years. It is in your best interest to work as effectively as possible with your partners."

Gilles Weber, the national representative in France, Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal, a person who is able to work effectively in any circumstances, even while being on self-isolation in a foreign country. Learning from him what you need to do to achieve success was especially valuable: "In order to build a large network, you need to set goals every day, make a plan of action, and contact at least one person every day. You need to remain engaged and persistent even when the initial enthusiasm has passed, and never pass up the emerging opportunities."

Gulshan Kumar Birdi, the national partner from India, as well as his colleague Rajesh Kumar were attracted to the project by the environmental benefits of the technology. They first believed in it themselves, and then were able to captivate a lot of other people with the idea. Thus, India became the leader of the investments in the project "Duyunov's motors" last year. The Indian partners shared how to create a successful network and motivate its members to work.

Some other national and leading partners of the project also made their speeches via a videoconference from different countries: Elena Lozada (Colombia), Dimitar Dimitrov (Bulgaria), Alphonse Hessouh (Benin), Trinh Van Long (Vietnam), Johann Butschbach (Germany), Oliver Djenik (Croatia), Viktor Deak (Hungary). They congratulated the company on its 3rd anniversary, thanked for the opportunity of partnership and shared their extensive experience in partnership activity.

Sergey Semyonov closed the online conference. He is convinced that everyone is able to improve their own and their family's financial wellbeing - to do this, you need to act, for example, to invest 10% of your income.

The project "Duyunov's motors" is good because by supporting it, you change not only your life, but also the future of the planet. We tried to make the investment conditions as profitable as possible for the 3rd anniversary of the project and the company.

Act, change your present and future right now!