Get bonus shares until December 31

Get bonus shares until December 31

Repaying your installment plan early as part of the SOLARGROUP lottery gives you more bonuses than usual. Up to and including December 31, we will credit you with an additional 10% of shares accrued for early repaid months. Besides, you'll get more coupons to participate in the raffle of prizes.

Early repayment is one of the main ways to accelerate project funding and complete the construction of the "Sovelmash" engineering centre sooner. If each investor makes at least two monthly payments at once, all participants in the project will benefit.

How do I get early repayment bonuses?

• Go to the "Investments" section of the back office, the "My Installments" tab, or follow the link. And choose the installment plan you would like to repay early.
• Open the payment schedule for this installment plan and choose how many months you are ready to repay early.
• Be sure to select the "Early Repayment" payment type, otherwise bonus shares will not be credited!
• Click "Pay". Done! You will see the credited shares and the adjusted installment schedule.

Repay your installments early and explain to your partners why it is especially profitable and important now!