Get more bonuses for early repayment: the offer is nearing completion!

Get more bonuses for early repayment: the offer is nearing completion!

The most beneficial conditions for early repayment of your installment plan: you will get an extra 10% of shares to the total number of shares in the repaid months.

The algorithm is simple.

• Take out an installment plan in the back office and choose how many months you would like to repay early.
• Be sure to click "Early Repayment", otherwise the bonus shares will not be credited.
• Deposit the required amount.

The more months you repay early, the more extra shares you get.

The bonuses for early repayment are accrued every time, but only until January 31 you will get considerably more of them.

Hurry up and take advantage of the offer! Early installment repayments are aimed at speeding up the "Sovelmash" D&E construction.