Develop Colombia, Ecuador and other countries with SOLARGROUP!

Develop Colombia, Ecuador and other countries with SOLARGROUP!

Today, every partner can make their dreams come true with us. If you feel you are a leader aspiring to global recognition, hurry up and see what's next.

The international financial company SOLARGROUP continuously explores new markets in the regions and develops the already tapped ones. We need people who want to unleash their ample potential and take it to the next level with us. We invite national partners in Colombia, Ecuador and other countries to join our team!

You can become a national partner if:

• you are ambitious and believe in your managerial potential;
• you have already achieved the "Expert" partner status or are ready to achieve it in the near future;
• you are engaged in partner business full time;
• you have experience in managing people (teams);
• you have already demonstrated good performance in personal and team sales and realise how the project funding timeline depends on sales efficiency;
• you know how to work in Google Workspace and ZOOM;
• you want to become part of the team and develop together with the company;
• you share and are ready to communicate the values and goals of SOLARGROUP;
• you are open to new experiences and not afraid of responsibility;
• you have a positive attitude towards life and people.

Our national partner will be actively working in the following areas:

• organising online and offline presentation events,
• organising regular efficient work of partners,
• liaising with external counterparties on behalf of the company,
• information and technical support for customers,
• administering official information sources,
• collecting and communicating feedback from customers to the company, etc.

And we remind you that there are financial records ahead of you! The maximum income of a national partner in the history of the project exceeds $ 23,000 per month. And you can break that record.

Make your dream come true - and be sure to share this chance with others. Are there by any chance some talented and ambitious people right next to you right now, our future national partners?

If you are ready to act or to suggest a candidate, send your CV to Pavel Shadskiy, Commercial Director of SOLARGROUP, to Don't forget to attach a cover letter!