Supporting "Slavyanka" - saving the planet's ecology

Supporting "Slavyanka" - saving the planet's ecology

Earning for the sake of personal well-being is good, but not enough, right? More and more people today are choosing lifestyles and businesses that are sustainable and good for the planet.
 In the project "Duyunov's motors", thousands of people invest their money to support an innovation that can solve global environmental problems. Using the investors's funds, we are building the "Sovelmash" engineering center. There, energy-efficient electric motors will be developed.
 Most of the motors that are currently in use in the world consume a large amount of electricity, so it becomes necessary to generate enormous amounts of electricity. This leads to the depletion of the planet's fossil resources, air, water and soil pollution, and an increase in the greenhouse effect.
 There is no completely safe way to generate electricity. Therefore, the only option for humanity to save the planet's ecology is to switch to energy saving mode, to use energy more wisely. People need technologies that will help reduce the consumption of electricity, otherwise the planet will face an ecological disaster.
 Due to the fact that the motors by "Sovelmash" use the patented combined winding "Slavyanka" technology, they consume up to 40% less electricity. Experts have calculated that if motors with "Slavyanka" are installed on all electric transport in Moscow, then, with an average savings of 25-30%, this will reduce energy consumption in the megacity by at least 61.5 million kWh.
 The engineering center will develop motors of high energy efficiency classes IE3, IE4. At the same time, the motors will correspond to the smaller IE1 class motors. This has not been achieved by anyone else in the world.
 The "Slavyanka" technology also saves other resources. From the same amount of raw materials, four combined winding motors can be made instead of three classic electric motors.
 Motors with "Slavyanka" are durable in operation: many of them are serviceable for many years, and do not fill up landfills after a couple of years.
 Thus, the mass application of combined winding motors will significantly reduce the consumption of electricity, fossil resources and the degree of environmental pollution.
 Invest in the project "Duyunov's motors" - and you will not only receive dividends, but also become involved in a large-scale business that is beneficial for the planet and all people!
 The investment packages are available for purchase in the project's back office -
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