New Year's gift to a friend

New Year's gift to a friend

Just before 2023, as is the annual tradition, social media were full of stories about how people had got the gifts epically wrong. And the question of "What gift should I make?" is a popular one at this time in all environments. If you don't know what to give, or you do, but are looking for something to add to your gift, here's an idea! "Gift to a Friend: money + opportunities.

New Year's gifts are given not only to friends and family. A close person can say: "Give me money". And an acquaintance won't say that, even if they would really prefer money as a gift. Besides, very often people postpone choosing gifts for the very last moment, and then they could use some ideas not to buy the most affordable mass-market options.

There is an opinion that giving money is inappropriate, because the value of a gift is in the attention, and money makes this process purely material. However, money can make your attention enjoyable. Be honest, would you refuse if everyone you get New Year's gifts from decided to give you just money? Most likely, the fear of appearing too money-minded prevents a person from wishing for a gift of money.

Money can solve the gift question if:

• A gift should be appropriate. Choosing the right gift option can cause anxiety for the giver: whether you will be understood correctly, whether the gift will be liked, whether the person needs your attention at all. Money is a thing that everyone can dispose of as he or she sees fit. Money + a good wish - and you're sure to get it right, the person will definitely like it and definitely need it. Money can be given as an addition to the classic presents: scarves, blankets and throws, etc.
• A gift for someone you don't know well. Even if you try to find out exactly what kind of gift a person you don't know well (such as your new partner) would like, it is very easy to make a mistake and find yourself in an awkward situation. You may not be the first to decide to give this particular item as a gift. And that's not going to happen with money! Money means lots of options, a person is more likely to be happy with this gift and, whatever he or she is dreaming of, will be closer to making their dreams come true.
• A gift should be versatile. For example, you decide to give a group of people certificates to a bookstore or somewhere else, because certificates are considered a neutral and universal gift. It's not really so. Different people will use their certificate at different times, and some certificates will have expired by then. So it turns out that you just do not give a gift to someone in the group. Money can solve this issue, too! You can give the same group of people the amount you were willing to spend on certificates. In fact, such a gift is nicer and more versatile than a certificate.
• A gift should be a surprise. Money is a surprise that will not disappoint anyone. When preparing any other surprise, something can go wrong and the anticipation of the holiday will not materialize. And, given the gift of money, a person can afford what they do not splurge on in everyday life. And the festive mood will stay with them.

When choosing a gift of money, don't forget about yourself! Take advantage of the updated "Gift to a Friend" option. First, it is appropriate to send such gifts during the holidays to both acquaintances and strangers. "Hi! I'd been thinking long and hard about what to get you for the New Year, and decided to give you the opportunity to earn a lot," - not a bad start for inviting a new member to the project, you must agree. Secondly (and most importantly!), you also give money to yourself - for each invitee you get $ 5, and you can get $ 125 per month.

It's gift time!