Partner club: We are taking a break

Partner club: We are taking a break

SOLARGROUP's Partner club started its work in August 2020.

As part of the educational program, a number of events were planned for the most successful partners: online mastermind events, exchange of experience, tours to well-known corporations and joint trips of the community members. The online mastermind events with the leading partners of SOLARGROUP have been successfully held. But, unfortunately, international offline events have become impossible to hold due to the pandemic.

We have decided to suspend the Club's activity until the situation in the world gets stabilized.

The partners who have met the qualification requirements for the November-January period will receive the stipulated financial bonuses during the next quarter.

Online events and training webinars that used to be held as part of SOLARGROUP's Partner club program will now be available to all the partners.

Follow our announcements, participate in the broadcasts, communicate and exchange experience with the successful colleagues to effectively develop your partner business!